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Showing posts from July 15, 2011

Equal Rights to Women - a long way to go

Equal Rights to Women - a long way to go I am shocked and disturbed. A UN report published last week says more than half of working women lack even basic legal protection on the job. It is sad to notice that even today, millions of women still have no access to justice. Women all over the world have come a long way but they still have a long way to go. Ms. Michelle Bachelet, executive director of U.N. Women, the first global agency for gender equality and women empowerment, said that even when the laws to provide equal justice exist, the implementation and enforcement of those laws can be poor, even in the most progressive countries. For example, in India and several countries in Asia, there are many progressive laws that protect women. However the implementation of these laws and the policies is in the hands of men. In many countries around the world, women have been paid routinely less than men despite the minimum wage law or despite working in the exact same job. For