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When a thought of war comes, oppose it by a stronger thought of peace

When a thought of war comes, oppose it by a stronger thought of peace The Geneva Academy reports that over 110 armed conflicts are currently being monitored worldwide, with a significant number occurring in the Middle East (45), Africa (35), Asia (21), Europe (7), and Latin America (6). This violence has resulted in thousands of deaths and millions of people displaced, particularly affecting children whose basic human rights are violated, leading to severe long-term consequences for their health and development. Global migration patterns have also created major global issues throughout the world. Given this alarming situation, one must ask: Where is the United Nations? Why was the United Nations created to offer peace and security to the whole planet but helpless and unable to provide peace and security. Why isn’t the United Nations doing more to stop the war?  “ To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war “ are among the first very words of the UN Charter and those words
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