Politics in the United States and around the world remains a major divide between humanity. This country is bitterly divided - racism still exists - as it has been for well over a decade. The two major parties and their representatives in this great country are more divided along ideological lines, and the resulting political animosity towards each other is deeper and more extensive, than at any time in recent U.S. history.
Look at the world. The news and happenings around the world over the past year has been sad and heartbreaking. As former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said a few years ago or put it mildly - the world is a mess. Every fresh atrocity in the United States or around the globe manages to find some new ways of shocking to me. Iraq and Syria are falling into chaos with millions of refugees fleeing violence, British disagreements with the European Union, coup attempts in Turkey, and myriads of conflicts in Asia are few concerns facing us. It seems as though the world is in flames.
Just imagine, this coming September, the world will observe 15 years of the 9/11 horror attack and since then the world has spent all these years, dealing with worst horrors of modern terrorism involving brutal attacks by lone wolves - the latest being involving a single man driving a truck into a large crowd of people in Nice, France, and crushed nearly 84 people including children to death beneath the wheels of his truck.
In the past few weeks, in the United States, we have all been glued to the news of rising numbers of police officers being killed by individuals. In some cases certain police law-enforcement tactics such as traffic stops, disproportionately target African-Americans. Today, people of color still face racism and stereotypes. Progress toward establishing mutual respect and unity among various races have been painfully slow and marked with repeated setbacks. The recent increase in number of racial incidents and killings and the high rate of unemployment among certain minorities make the need for solutions ever more pressing and urgent.
During times like these - one thing for sure - no political campaigns or actions alone cannot offer a solution to bring unity and peace. In order to eradicate racism, we must change the hearts and attitudes and beliefs of the people. We must spread the message that we belong to one human family and that the world of humanity is like a human body. There is only one race - human race. It is our inescapable duty to work towards to eliminate racism and contribute our share to bring peace and unity where we live.
More than a century ago, Bahá'u'lláh, the Prophet-Founder of the Bahá'í Faith, wrote: "The well-being of mankind, its peace and security, are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established.” The conviction that we belong to one human family is at the heart of the Bahá’í Faith. The principle of the oneness of humankind is “the pivot round which all the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh revolve”. I hope that this a powerful reminder for all of us to contribute our share to fight against injustice and prejudices against color, flag and religion.
Acceptance of the oneness of humanity demands that prejudice—whether racial, religious, or gender related—must be totally eliminated.
Let us work together with all people of color and do our part to eradicate racism. And become shining examples of unity and peace in this country and around the globe. Join like-minded people or organization in their mission to eradicate racism. Join interfaith groups and pray for divine assistance - invite your neighbors and friends to your home for devotional gatherings and ardently pray for our country and its people.